Saturday, December 24, 2005

Initial Post

This is the initial post on the Code Wrastler blog. Just to let everbody know, I am a user of Microsoft development tools. Yes, I've been a Unix programmer, but that was in the dim mists of history when everything was in black and white. Now that I've been assimilated, there is no Unix or Cobol or PL/I or APL or any of those environments I used to know and love.

Now, as for Microsoft tools, I try to limit myself to C#. I will occasionally regress to C++, when required to by the people I've convinced to send EFT to my bank. But C# is where I live day to day. And Visual Studio 2005 is the sugar, fat, salt, and caffeine of my programming diet, and the alcohol, nicotine, and cocaine of my recreational drug bag. Without Intellisense, there would be hyperventilation, and possibly regression to assembly language.

A note on wrastling. Wrastling is what members of WWE (formerly WWF) do. Wrestling is what olympic wrestlers do. Oh, and by the way, wrangling is what cowboys do. But that's somebody else's story. So a code wrastler, obviously, wrastles with code. The code throws him outta the ring, but he drags himself back in and gives the code a body slam and a kick in the balls. The ref gets mad, but the crowd cheers. The code goes and gets a chair and starts swinging it, and things go downhill from there.

The reason I decided to start a blog is because everbody else is doing it. What I think I'll put here is rants about how stupid the Microsoft products are. That's not because I think there's anything wrong with Microsoft products when I am calm and rational. But there are times when I get really frustrated because I can't figure something out, or it's not as obvious as I think it should be. Then I usually blame Microsoft. Who am I supposed to blame, Linus? A man can't blame himself, can he? Anyway, Microsoft is big and strong. They can take it. And really, they know I love them, so they can't get too mad at me.

So anyway, what I'm doing now is playing with all the new features of the 2.0 release of the .NET Framework and C#. The mind boggles at the sheer abundance of new features. The mechanics of typing in code is light years ahead of when I started punching 80-column cards. It's also a quantum leap ahead of just last year (VS2003). So right now I'm a happy coder. But soon, I suspect, I'll run into a quirk I can't figure out. And then I'll come here and rant.


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