Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Best Company in the World, Part 2

In Part 1 you will remember that I was telling you that Microsoft was a great company because they actually answered my question. That was nothing. Anybody can answer your question when you ask one.

This time they did one better. They answered me when I didn't even ask the question. In my post last night I was grousing about Cider and how I couldn't drag a control onto a form. I did not do what a normal programmer would do and search the Microsoft forums to see if there was an answer to this problem. I just kinda sat there and bawled.

But Microsoft was not content with that. They sought me out and fixed my problem despite my own infantile attitude. Two separate Microsoft employees posted comments on my blog. One was a member of the WPF & Xaml Language Team, and the other was the lead developer on the WPF Designer (Cider). You can read their comments yourself on my previous post. Rob Relyea and Marco Goertz.

Now I want to know how they found the post so quickly. The Google bots would have to be awfully quick to pick it up so soon. No, I have to believe that my blog is required reading for all Microsoft employees. I'm on all their RSS aggregators. Bill Gates asks about me every morning. He says, "Well, how's Bill doing this morning. I mean the other Bill."

So clearly I'm going to have to raise the bar here. Next problem I have, I'm not even going to blog it. I'll just close my eyes and think real hard and see if I get an E-mail from Microsoft the next day. Course, that's not nearly as much fun as moaning on my blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we are doing that in the next Visual Studio service pack, and yes we have that planned for our next major release :}

5:37 PM  

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